The Seekers Trust relies on voluntary donations to sustain our charitable work.

We deeply appreciate contributions of any size, as they help us maintain our estate.

If you're a UK taxpayer, your donation can go further through Gift Aid.

If The Seekers Trust has positively impacted you or your loved ones, consider including us in your will to support our ongoing service to others. As a registered charity, your gift will be free of inheritance tax.

If you would like to make a donation to support our mission, please choose from the donation options below.

Friend Donation


£ 10.00 GBP

Supporter Donation


£ 25.00 GBP

Advocate Donation


£ 100.00 GBP

Other Donation


£ 200.00 GBP

Emanuela Thackray

You can feel alone and something like the Seekers Trust can give you a sense of community.

Lucyna Thackray

I’m more into now believing in energy and spirituality and it gives me more hope and positivity.

Pat Hallett

The Seekers Trust has an energy of its own, many people will benefit from coming to the Seekers Trust.

Paula Taylor

The Seekers Trust is a place to find yourself, to find out more, to come and Seek.