Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Great Taboo

Few of us want to talk about dying yet it is the one certainty of living. We will all face an end of life. I have been very privileged during my years as a healing channel to be involved with several people facing their death.

It can be very difficult to discuss impending end of life with those we love. We tend to want to spare them the pain of loss and many of us "put on a brave face" fearful of actually expressing our feelings.

No matter what evidence we may have had that life does indeed go on, no matter how strong our faith our humanness seems to get in the way.
It is at the end of life that the work of a healer really matters. There is no greater service than to help with the transition from death to new life.
In my experience everyone faces their end in a different way. Some do not want to talk about it, and right till the end do not accept it at all. It is not for the healer to coax someone to talk about these things; our responsibility is to allow our clients to lead the way. If they bring the subject up then of course we can respond. But the greatest tact is needed at this critical time.

Dot was a great friend of mine. She was very aware of spiritual matters yet right until the day before she passed she never mentioned the fact that she was not going to get better. She struggled on for her children and grandchildren. The day before she passed I was with her and offering her healing which had become a daily practice. This particular evening Dot was very weak and slipping in and out of consciousness and had not been lucid for several days. This evening she opened her eyes, which were clear and bright and told me how she would miss me. We hugged and I was aware that the room filled with light and the most peaceful presence. She told me she was looking forward to seeing her son who had died tragically several years before. Her eyes were full of love, hope and yes - joy. The next morning she slipped peacefully away.
Dot did not really need much reassurance as she was as I said  a great believer that life goes on.

Tony has no such belief and bravely fought his illness on a day to day basis and never really wanted to talk about the "elephant in the room", until the day before he passed on when I was contacted by the nursing home he was in requesting that I visit him. He didn't want healing that day, just to talk and he expressed his fear of dying and asked for reassurance that all would be well. I shared with him my strong faith that on his passing all those he loved would be there to meet him and the joy of reunion would be beyond his wildest dreams. I like to think that that conversation gave him comfort and faith. Tony passed away the next day.

Celia was a very strong believer in life after death but still faced her end with great trepidation and human doubts. A few days before her passing she was really not "with it" at all but on this particular day she opened her eyes and they were bright with love and happiness, she looked to the end of her hospital bed and she called out the names of two people who she had very dearly loved in life. Again I sensed that wonderful atmosphere which had entered the ward. I have no doubt at all that what I witnessed really did transpire.

And you may ask - how do I know? - What makes me so sure? Am I deluded? You have only my interpretation of these events. And that is the conundrum, no matter how convinced I may be, and I am, I cannot give that to another person, not wholly.

Now I am not a clairvoyant or medium but I have what I truly believe is that which all of us possess: a strong sensitivity, a knowing, a sensing, an awareness which is beyond our five senses. I am sure if we stopped looking so desperately for some really amazing revelation we would see what is right in front of our eyes, a gift we all possess when it is really needed.

And it is in times of despair when there is nowhere else to turn that we experience these wonderful happenings.

Death is not an end, not in my heart anyway. It is a transition to another way of being, a shrugging off of the body which we have used during this lifetime and a return to our pure essence of spirit.

I am so sure that when my time comes to make that great leap of consciousness I will indeed see my loved ones who will be waiting for me with outstretched arms and all encompassing love. When all will become clear and my life patterns will make sense, I will at last see the bigger picture that many of us strive to see in the flesh.

Dr. Lascelles once said to face and confront our fears we must first confront out deaths, the greatest fear. This is not to be morbid at all, just accepting the inevitable and coming to terms with it.

We all want what we call a "good death", a peaceful transition, not too much pain and, of course, a welcoming party on the other side.
This is where a spiritual approach to our lives is invaluable, where faith really comes into its own, when our trust is stronger than our human fears. Where prayer and healing play such a huge part in the closing of one door and the opening of another.